
Hello…yes it’s me…you remember? Probably no. 

I took an unwanted breake and I don’t know why. Oh my, it feels so good to write again. I have a few posts planned to put up about two travles and some random topics but today I’m in “deep shit” mode so I’m gonna talk about life.


What a powerful word, isn’t it? 

We always question: What is the meaning of life? Is it worth it if we are gonna all end up the same anyway? What is the secret to living a happy life?

I am seventeen year old girl and I have a lot more to go through but I know I am a good person and that I am living to my full potential. It wasn’t always like that.

I went thru puberty earlier than most of my generation and it wasn’t stereotipical puberty. I wasn’t rebelious, screaming at my parents, changing guys everyday. No. I went thru it other way. I suffered inside cause I was afraid of people judging me for being to smart, too outgoing, too this, too that so I wanted to fit in even if I was born to stand out. I chocked my big dreams and thoughts and I tried to kill a positive person that lived inside of me because everyone around me was negative so it  made sense at that time that I should be negative too and that it is normal to be unhappy…that we should be unhappy…that life is not meant to live happilly…that it is not normal to live without problems…I am so glad I didn’t kill that peron inside me and that she fought thru all of my ties to supress…I don’t know what clicked inside me or when but I’m glad it did. It was a long proces to bring her to life, to bring me back to life but was worth it cause I can say that I am 100% happy with who I am now and am excited about growing even more in the future…

I don’t know how give you a guide on being happy. You need to figure it out yourself cause not even two brains can work the same. I can only give you things that helped me…they are pure logic and sound so simple but are so hard to do.

Here you go:

  1. You are who you surround yourself with.” – As simple as it sounds there is much more to it. Think about it. Do people around you make you geniunely happy? If the answer is no than show them the way out of your life. You don’t need toxic people in your life and I learned this the hard way. Surround yourself with positive energy.
  2. Find a positive side to everything and look at your life changing. This will take time but it is totally worth it. Just start with simple things such as gossiping. You don’t need to talk about that girl that you don’t like or about how she dressed. Ignore her. Comment about someone who is an amazing person or if you see a beautiful girl say that to your friend instead.
  3. Watch motivational speachers and read positive quotes. This helps a lot because your brain soakes in all these things and is filled with positivity instead of reading sad stories and depressive quotes.
  4. It is okay to feel sad sometimes. You are human. You have feelings. Just don’t let that sad day take over your life. Let it be. It will pass and you will wake up the next morning happy and positive.

There is much more little things but you will have to figure out the rest yourself. 

Life is not meant to be lived in an office and it’s biggest accomplishent is not to pay rent. You can do anything you want to if you step over fear and doubt. Belive in yourself. Everything else comes second. You are in control of your life so make the most out of it.

Here is a little blob of my thoughts, I have much more to say but do you know that feeling when you have so much too say that you don’t know where to start? That is me now. I will make more posts like this in the future but this is it for now.

Goodbye and I promise I will make another post soon. xoxo

Travel: My guide to packing


I need to tell you something, but don’t tell anyone okay? shhhh….. I’m sometimes, kind of, hmmm…I’m really really organised when it comes to planing and lists and PACKING, I looooooove it all, it is so relaxing and fun to put things in a backpack or suitcase and sort everything really nicely and go the hell out of your house to somewhere nice. If you think it’s not fun than you have been doing it wrong so here is my quick and easy guide to make packing fun:



Music? Why music you wonder? If you did than something is wrong with you. Music is something amazing and it makes everything more fun and relaxing so when I am packing I always listen to my favorite songs and that really puts me in a better mood.






Lists are important. They really are. To me. Cause I’m lowkey a control freak.

Anyways. As I was saying, LISTS. They are the most important part of your packing process cause you don’t want to forget anythiiiing while going on a relaxing holiday or anywhere else. I make my lists on computer and print them out and make them colorful and stuff but you don’t need to take it on that kind of level…


This is how I make my lists. I make three columns. In the first one I write whatever I need to bring with me and the other two are for check marks, one check mark when I put it on my bed and one for when I put it in my suitcase/backpack. Also I divide my list into categories as it is easier to think of stuff that way. And I put some color in it cause I don’t know who wants to have pure black and white list, not me for sure.


It is much easier for your brain to process things when you see them in front of you so I like to lay my things out on the bed before I put them in my backpack. I do that just following the categories.


So here is how I plan my outfits.

First it depends on the kind of place I’m going to, if it’s fancy or casual, hot or cold, rainy or sunny.. you get the point. When I know that than I can plan my outfits. Right now I’m going to Island of Rab here in Croatia and it is pretty casual there.

Second thing is that I make my outfits practial, for example I bring one pair of shorts and two shirts that go with them, and that is two outfits in itself.


Third, I lay out all my outfits on my bed so I can see if I like them.


Forth thing is that I try to make kind of a color theme so I can always mix and match everything in my backpack.



I pick my shoes by my outfits, its pretty self explanatory.


SKINCARE & other

Also as you can probably guess already I lay this out on my bed.


But I have one really simple and kinda stupid but useful hack. you can wrap your skincare in your body towel if you don’t have a cosmetic bag handy. WOW, SHOCKING RIGHT??YOU CAN’T BELIEVE IT?? Yeah I know you heard it probably already but oh well, aren’t all hacks the same anyway?!




I really love make up but when I am going to a casual place I really don’t ever put makeup on my face but I bring some really minimalistic makeup just in case…



This category is crucial cause there is just some shit that you need to write down but it just doesn’t fit in anywhere like cards, charger, camera…



I mean it, roll everything you possibly can cause it will save you space, it will be more organised and you won’t get as much wrinkles on your clothes.



So now you saw everything that I bring with me on holiday, and now you are going to see a miracle…I am going to put ALL that in one backpack..YES you heard me.

Suitcases are really nice and everything but I ain’t got no time too pull that bitch around all day and can we also talk about how annoying is the sound of wheels on suitcases, just NO. I prefer backpacks cause you just carry it on your back and it bothers no one and also you have free hands…


With good organisation and right placement you too will fit all of your shit in one backpack, you just need to believe, DO IT FOR THE FREE HANDS…


Cause you deserve it, everyone deserves a good vacation, with no cell phone or computer but with a good book, somewhere where you know nobody and nobody knows you, to free your mind and relax for a bit…too be away for fake people and constant drama and too clear your soul…if you have excuses not to go, STOP, get up and go cause you deserve it as well as I deserve it.


I need to go now and while you are reading this I’m probably somewhere on the beach thinking if I should have a Mai-Tai or Sex on the beach. See you soon with another post. Bye loves and have a beautiful day.